Sunday, December 03, 2006

somethings very very right

this is actually an email I sent to the people on the University Young Life team that I lead with. I'm not posting it to brag about myself (since I can't take any credit for it), or the rest of the team, wait, scratch that, the team does an amazing job. But I'm really posting this to share the beauty of what God has been doing.

In the past few weeks of club, we have had...
  • a whole hurting family showing up
  • a kid consistently coming to club drunk, and announcing his intentions to continue to do so
  • kids sneaking off to smoke
  • kids coming to club after getting high (possibly sneaking off to get high)
  • a kid choosing to spend his hard earned money to buy his "family" a pizza dinner
and that list is so incredibly, divinly, good and right. I'm on the verge of tears with how beautiful all of that is, and I just wanted to point it out to everyone.

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