Sunday, October 08, 2006

mmm... I heart Oberon!

I'm offically back in Orlando now, and have yet another funny story to tell, this one funny ha you're a moron kind of funny.

So I'm running a little late packing, and we leave for the airport a little later than we had wanted, didn't matter though because we go there at 2pm and I was sitting on my butt at the terminal waiting by 2:05. So no worries there.

Long flight back (side note, a 2 hour drive is SOOOOO much nicer than a 2 hour flight), we land, get to the gate, I jump out of my seat and grab my bag from the overhead compartment, and at the exact moment I started to walk to exit the plane to call the shuttle to the parking lot to pick up my car and head back to the apartment it hits me like a ton of bricks that I forgot to grab my keys off of the counter before I left. My keys which not only had the keys for my car, but also the keys to my apartment.

I'll spare you all the details, but a friend got me, my neighbor who has a spare key to my apartment got back from his trip to Miami about the same time I got home. Mom is overnighting the keys to me tomorrow morning, so I'll have to wait till Tuesday at noon for keys. Whats rediculous is I could actually fly back to flight and pick up them in person and fly back here for about 60 dollars less than what the cost is to have them sent same day mail. Also crazy, Monday by 5pm=$163, Tuesday by noon $15.

I already miss Michigan like crazy right now. I have a cool little analogy coming up soon, so stay tuned if you're interested. It should be pretty good.

1 comment:

calebyoungblood said...

Nice Picture!!

I am sorry I never called back the other weekend. I was working all weekend - third shift! I like reading your posts. I hope all is well buddy.
